Please check out the Happenings page for more information.
Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church offers a comprehensive education program, including Faith Formation for all ages. We also offer a variety of Bible studies, Confirmation, small groups and individual options to help meet your spiritual needs. While our programs reach out to educate, we are always looking for people to reach out and offer their talents through a variety of teaching, leading and facilitating roles.
Youth Education
Growing with Jesus – Youth Faith Formation
At this time, we do not offer any weekly classes for the youth age 3yrs – 7th grade. We do invite the youth to join partake in the Children’s message during our Sunday worship service. As we live out our vision statement, building a relationship with God, community and one another, we continue to listen to the youth and their families as to how the church supports and walks alongside as we “pass on the faith”. Offerings vary from zoom gatherings, service projects, take-home materials and fellowship gatherings – wherever the spirit is leading us! Please check out the monthly newsletter, The Shepherd’s Staff, for any upcoming events.
Confirmation (All Ages)
Confirmation ministry is a special opportunity for all ages to grow in their faith. We continue to highlight confirmation for 6th, 7th and 8th graders but we have expanded the ministry to include all ages even for those adults who would like a refresher “course” and for those who have never gone through the confirmation experience.
Confirmation is an educational ministry, but much more! We study the Bible and the teachings of the church, and we seek to build solid, healthy, caring Christian relationships between and God, one another and the world.
This one-year program, will focus on the Bible and the Lutheran tradition. After the completion of one year, participants may choose to affirm their baptism, which is the technical term for “confirmation”. They will promise their faithfulness to God and take a greater responsibility for the Church and its mission in the world. This Confirmation celebration takes place usually in the Fall.
Many Confirmation youth also spend a refreshing and exhilarating week during the summer at one of our Bible camps.
Sr. High Youth Group
The Sr. High Youth Group gathers at a variety of times and days to continue to build and support a relationship with God through worship, fellowship, caring conversation, service, “field trips” and whatever else we can do together to nourish and grow in faith! Our time together is planned by the youth and supported by a variety of leaders.
Please check the church newsletter for times and events.
Outdoor Ministry – Church Camps
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp is an outreach ministry of the Rocky Mountain Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, located in the Sangro de Christo Mountains of Southern Colorado.
It is a year round ministry that offers an extensive summer camping program that includes on-site programs for all ages as well as an outdoor adventure program for Junior High and Senior High youth, and a mission oriented program called Bridging Borders designed for Senior High youth.
In addition, Rainbow Trail offers retreating opportunities for the other nine months of the year including sponsored confirmation retreats, men’s retreats, women’s retreats, church worker training events, and family weekends amongst other retreat opportunities.
Sky Ranch, located just north of Rocky Mountain National Park at 9200 feet, invites participants into an experience of “encountering Christ on the mountaintops”. It is supported and operated by congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran church in America. Programs and facilities are open to all.
Programs include: Summer camps for youth in Elementary School through High School, Family camps and Senior camps. They also offer backpacking trips, servant camps, day camps (held on-site at many churches), a variety of retreats.
Adult Education
Sunday Morning Adult Education
A variety of studies presented by a variety of speakers.
Sunday mornings, 9:00am – 9:45am
The Gathering All-Age Faith formation
All ages come together over a meal for conversation, fellowship, Bible storytelling and crafts. Learning about God, together as God’s Family, continues to nourish and sustain our faith.
September -May
Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study
A monthly Bible study using materials from “Lutheran Women Today” magazine. Women of all ages meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at 10:00a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
September – May
Women’s Early Afternoon Bible Study (WEBS)
All women are invited to come to enjoy the fellowship and grow in faith through our study of God’s Word. Bring your Bible and a friend. Lesson books will be provided. Refreshments will be served.
Meeting Times: 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at 1:00p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
September – May
Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study
Bible study & breakfast! All men are invited for the best breakfast in town and a time to share God’s word while reaching out to each other.
Saturday mornings, 8:00a.m. – 9:00a.m., Fellowship Hall
September – May
Lectionary Bible Study – Zoom
Weekly opportunity to study and discuss the scripture readings for the upcoming weekend worship as well as a time to care for each other in prayer and fellowship. Led by Pastors.
Please contact the office for the zoom link to this study.
Meeting Times: Every Thursday at 8:30am