Worshiping and Growing Together in Christ
Serving and Reaching Out Joyfully to All

Wednesday, September 13th
Wednesday, October 11th
Wednesday, November 8th
Sunday, December 3 (After worship, 11am)
Sunday, January 14th (After worship, 11am)
Saturday, February 10th (Mardi Gras Celebration with musical guest BluJazz)
Wednesday, March 13th
Wednesday, April 10th
Wednesday, May 8th

The Gathering is a once-a-month gathering (September – May) that will strengthen your body and spirit with food, fellowship, education and song. The evening begins with prayer as we gather for a delicious meal and enjoy conversations and fellowship with one another. Before and after dinner a variety of choirs meet to rehearse (see below). All-Age Faith Formation is also offered.  Hearing and responding to  God’s Word will nourish you as you grow in God’s love. 

Come and experience God’s love
as we continue growing in God’s Family!


Wednesday Evening Schedule
Sunday Schedule: 11am after worship

5:00 – 6:15pm Dinner for All
5:30 – 6:15pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal
6:15 – 6:45pm All-Age Faith Formation Event
6:45 – 7:45pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal