Our worship services, led by our pastors, musicians and lay assistants, take place in our beautiful church sanctuary. Worship books and liturgies used include the following: Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Haugen’s “Now the Feast and Celebration” and “Holden Evening Vespers”. We also offer a contemporary & blended worship and we occasionally worship in the style of Taize.
Worship Information & Ways to Participate
- Worship Schedule and Styles
- Special and Seasonal Worship Services
- Choirs and Musical Groups
- Worship and Volunteer Opportunities
- Sacraments: Baptism and Communion Worship border
Worship Schedule & Styles
- Sunday at 10:00AM – Blended worship
- We worship with a variety of music, instrumentation and groups.
Special & Seasonal Worship Services
There are significant religious and national observances at which Holy Shepherd gathers for special worship services. These include:
- Thanksgiving Eve (with pie fellowship following!)
- Mid-week Advent Services on Wednesdays
- Healing Services
- Christmas Eve
- Mid-week Lenten Services on Wednesdays
- Special services during Holy Week and Easter Sunday
- Service Work Day
The schedule for these services will be posted on the homepage.
Choirs & Musical Groups
At Holy Shepherd, we’re blessed with people who have musical talent and are willing to share it in worship. There are choirs for all ages including:
Handbell Choir – Older youth & Adults
- Rehearsal Time:
Wednesday evenings, 5:30 – 6:30pm - Director: Diane Klinkerfues
- September – May
Chancel Choir
- Adult vocal choir singing a wide range
of classical and contemporary
choral music. - Rehearsal Time: Wednesday evenings, 6:30 – 7:30pm
- Director: Diane Klinkerfues
- September – May
Praise Team
- Song leaders & instrumentalists for our contemporary worship.
- Rehearsal Time: Sunday mornings prior to worship.
- Director: Diane Klinkerfues
- Year-round
Worship Volunteer Opportunities
Holy Shepherd has a small but dynamic staff, who manage our daily operations. Yet, the integral and comprehensive programs we offer require the dedication and support of our congregation and others. Whether it’s being a greeter, usher, or reader for a service or reaching out to those unable to come to church worship we call upon all people to use their spiritual gifts in help with meeting the needs of the congregation. See the many opportunities below.
Worship Volunteers
- Altar Guild: Help prepare altar area for worship: communion, baptism, banners, robes and flowers.
- Assisting Ministers: Assist with leading worship.
- Communion Servers: Assist with serving Communion.
- Home Communion Ministers: Take Communion from worship to the homebound.
- Fellowship Servers: Prepare coffee/beverages and cookies for Sunday Fellowship after worship.
- Greeters: Welcome members and visitors before worship.
- Readers: Present the written Word of God in worship.
- Ushers: Assist with handing out bulletins, etc.
- Welcome Desk: Greet and share information about Holy Shepherd with worship guests.
- Praise Team: Song leaders & instrumentalists for contemporary worship.
- Special Music: Provides solos or small group music (vocal & instrumental) during the summer and on special occasions.
Please contact the church office (303.233.2740) for more information on worship volunteers.
Sacraments: Baptism & Communion
We cherish the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. In Baptism, we are joined to Christ and the Church. Baptism is offered to all infants, children, youth, and adults in consultation with a pastor. We believe that Holy Communion is a gift from God where Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine as the Church gathers around the Lord’s table. All are welcome, including children after consultation between parents, children, and pastors. Holy Communion is celebrated at all weekend and festival worship services.