September 10, 17, 24, Oct. 1
The 95 Theses
Leader: Dennis Jacobson
Join us on Sundays at 9:30 for an adult bible study on Luther’s 95 Theses, commencing September 10, 2017 and running for four successive weeks. This class will go in depth on the content and context of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, posted on October 31, 1517 as an invitation to theological debate. To understand the significance of the issues raised we will delve into the Catholic doctrines of purgatory and indulgences. We will learn of the importance of an obscure priest named Johann Tetzel whose preaching and actions directly led to Luther’s posting of the theses, as well as the importance of the recent invention of the printing press to the momentum behind the reformation. The posting of the 95 theses was only a first step in Luther’s journey guided by the radical thought that scripture trumped man’s rules, and culminating in the five solas, the foundations of the Christian faith as taught by Jesus Christ. Come and learn a little Latin, a lot of theology, and just what those five pillars of the faith are.
Free materials for all who attend.