Happenings & Opportunities
Find out what’s happening (happened) each week at Holy Shepherd
and the many opportunities that are available to participate in.
March 12 – 19
Happenings & Opportunities
March 5 – 12
Happenings & Opportunities
February 26 – March 5
Happenings & Opportunities
February 19 – 26
Happenings & Opportunities
Holy Shepherd sends out a monthly newsletter with information about the variety of ministries and events.
Please click on one of the links below to find out more and be connected!
A Time For Waiting : An Advent Cross-Generational Storytelling
Blessing of the Animals
Service Worship Day 2016
Sent out to serve! God’s Work. Our Hands.
Vacation Bible School
June 22 – 26, 2014
Cross-Generational (All Ages!)
Joint VBS with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Missions Fair
Jr. & Sr. High Youth
Welcome to the Jr. & Sr. High Youth Photo Gallery. Enjoy!
ELCA National Youth Gathering – Detroit, MI
Sr. High
Sr. High Youth Gathering 2015
Jr. High Gathering 2015
Rainbow Trail Confirmation Camp 2015
Sr. High Mission Trip 2014 – Denver Metro
Sr. High Mission Trip 2013 – Anapra, Mexico
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Welcome to the Jr. & Sr. High Youth Photo Gallery. Enjoy!
ELCA National Youth Gathering – Detroit, MI
Sr. High
Monthly Calendar
Flower calendar
We invite you to check out what’s happening at Holy Shepherd – events, special interest groups and meetings –
by clicking on the link below to access the church calendar.
Calendar – link to this https://www.mychurchevents.com/calendar/57659277
The Long Haul: A Trucker’s Tale of Life on the Road Author: Finn Murphy What stories Finn tells; they are funny, moving and sometimes just plain weird. This is an entertaining memoir of a long-distance moving van truck driver.
No Hard Feelings? The Angst of Anger Leader: Darla Trahnstrom
Resettling Vietnamese in the 1970’s Leaders: Pastor Kari, Shirley Bradsby, Pat Mohrbacher and Dorothy Haldeman
The Case for A Creator (Part 1) Lee Strobel goes from spiritual skepticism to a deep faith in God. Leader: Bonnie Yockstick
The Mystery Hidden for Ages In the book of Ephesians Pau reveals God’s great, eternal plan that was set in motion in Genesis. It is a compact guidebook for understanding the meaning of Jesus’ mission on earth, and how he saves us from death and teaches us how to live out our new-found freedom in the household of God. Leader: Pat Mohrbacher
I Grew up in Westboro Baptist Church. Why I Left . . . A TED talk by Mean Phelps-Roper Followed by a discussion led by Pastor Michael & Pastor Kari
Discuss & study upcoming weekend lectionary readings> Leaders: Pastor Michael & Kari
Dick Van Dyke: “Give Me Your Walls” Tickle your funny bone while experiencing grace, forgiveness, and compassion with the Van Dyke family. Leader: Bonnie Yockstick
Grief & Loss Guest Presenter: Jen Pearson