Worshiping and Growing Together in Christ
Serving and Reaching Out Joyfully to All

Family Ministries

Education – Faith Formation

Christian Education

                                 . . . Growing Together in Christ


Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church offers a comprehensive education program, including a dynamic Sunday School program ranging from preschool to Jr. High. We also offer a variety of Bible studies, Confirmation, small groups and individual options to help meet your spiritual needs. While our programs reach out to educate, we are always looking for people to reach out and offer their talents through a variety of teaching, leading and facilitating roles.


If you would like more information on any of these classes please e-mail Karen Novess, Ministry Partner at knovess@holyshepherd.com.

Children’s Education

Growing with Jesus

Confirmation (7th & 8th Grade)

Sr. High Youth Group

Vacation Bible School

Outdoor Ministry – Church Camp

Adult Education

Sunday Morning

Wednesday Mid-Week Class

Women’s Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Study

Lectionary Bible Study




Growing with Jesus

Youth age 3rd – 5th grade will be invited, during each worship service, to hear the day’s readings as a group during the message.


Here is how it works:

Children will be asked to come forward to the children’s message with the pastor.

Following the message there will be a procession of the children to leave the sanctuary and continue to worship, as a youth group with adult leaders, in the library/education rooms.

If your child does not want to participate with the youth they can continue to participate with you in worship – whatever works best for your family.

Youth will meet for approximately 15 – 20 minutes to actively hear the lessons of the day using crafts, games, drama etc.

Children will then come back to the sanctuary during the sharing of the peace (5:30 & 8:00) / beginning of Holy Communion (10:45) to continue as a community to share in God’s meal.

Traditional Sunday School does not meet between services.

Confirmation (7th & 8th Grade)

Confirmation ministry is a special opportunity Holy Shepherd has to touch the lives of youth in 7th, 8th and 9th grades and their households. We partner with 2 other area ELCA Lutheran congregations in this ministry.  Together with  Centennial & Lutheran Church of the Master, we strive together to nurture and deepen faith in youth and their households.

Confirmation is an educational ministry, but much more! We study the Bible and the teachings of the church, and we seek to build solid, healthy, caring Christian relationships between youth and God; youth and other youth; youth and their households; youth and their pastors; youth and caring adult Christians who serve as role models, friends, and guides in their journey of Christian growth.

Confirmation classes are held on Wednesday evenings during the school year for 7th & 8th graders. (Youth have the option of beginning in 6th grade.) In the fall of the 9th grade, youth spend time preparing with the pastors and their households for a celebration of their growth in faith and their deepening commitment to Christ. These youth promise their faithfulness to God and take a greater responsibility for the Church and its mission in the world. This Confirmation celebration takes place on Reformation Sunday, the last Sunday in October.

Many Confirmation youth also spend a refreshing and exhilarating week during the summer at one of our Bible camps with a pastor and youth leader of Holy Shepherd.


Wednesday Nights

6:30p.m. – 7:30p.m. (Light supper at 6:00 p.m.)

Locations: Participating Churches, Rotates Monthly.

September – May


Sr. High Youth Group

The Sr. High Youth Group gathers at a variety of times and days to continue to build and support a relationship with God through worship, fellowship, caring conversation, service, “field trips” and whatever else we can do together to nourish and grow in faith! Our time together is planned by the youth and supported by a variety of leaders.

Please check the church newsletter for times and events.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is a week of Bible Stories, Games, Crafts, Music, Fellowship and Snacks that support and nurture children as they experience God’s amazing love. Kids enjoy the variety of centers – especially the water games! Please call the church office to register your children.

Third week in June


Outdoor Ministry – Church Camps

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp


Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp is an outreach ministry of the Rocky Mountain Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, located in the Sangro de Christo Mountains of Southern Colorado.

It is a year round ministry that offers an extensive summer camping program that includes on-site programs for all ages as well as an outdoor adventure program for Junior High and Senior High youth, and a mission oriented program called Bridging Borders designed for Senior High youth.

In addition, Rainbow Trail offers retreating opportunities for the other nine months of the year including sponsored confirmation retreats, men’s retreats, women’s retreats, church worker training events, and family weekends amongst other retreat opportunities.

Lutheran Ranches of the Rockies


“Expanding Community through Christ Centered Celebration & Service”. LRR operates two ranches in Northern Colorado: Sky Ranch, just north of Rocky Mountain National Park at 9200 feet, and Sleepy Owl in the foothills of the Rockies. It is supported and operated by congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran church in America. Programs and facilities are open to all.

Programs include: Summer camps for youth in Elementary School through High School, Family camps and Senior camps. They also offer backpacking trips, servant camps, day camps (held on-site at many churches), a variety of retreats.




Sunday Adult Class Schedule

Check calendar


Wednesday Night Life Adult Class Schedule

Resumes in the fall


Women’s Bible Studies

Women of the ELCA

A monthly Bible study using materials from “Lutheran Women Today” magazine. Women of all ages meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at 9:30a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

September – May


Women’s Early Afternoon Bible Study (WEBS)

All women are invited to come to enjoy the fellowship and grow in faith through our study of God’s Word. Bring your Bible and a friend. Lesson books will be provided. Refreshments will be served.

Meeting Times: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 1:00p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. September – May


Men’s Bible Study

Bible study, fellowship and breakfast sessions! All men are invited for the best breakfast in town and a time to share God’s word while reaching out to each other.

Saturday mornings, 8:00a.m. – 9:00a.m., Fellowship Hall

September – May


Lectionary Bible Study

Weekly opportunity to study and discuss the scripture readings for the upcoming weekend worship as well as a time to care for each other in prayer and fellowship. Lead by Pastors.

Meeting Times:  Every Thursday at 8:30am



Small Groups

      Reaching Out . . .

New Picture Holy Shepherd is pleased to offer a growing variety of small groups, as we strive to live out our conviction that small groups are “not something we do, but the way we do things.”

The purpose of small group ministry is “to create and nurture caring communities where people grow together in Christ and are empowered to serve and reach out ot others”.

Whether you are searching for a Christian community, or already part of Holy Shepherd, we may have a small group that will fit your needs and interests. If not, we have a team in place ready to help turn dreams into reality! Our groups vary – they range from families with younger children to Bible study to making quilts for the poor, and more. But in all our groups meaningful relationships are built, God’s love shared, and participants are strengthened for faithful living.

Our current roster of small groups include:

Serving & Caring Groups            

Being & Caring Groups  

Learning & Caring Groups         

Caring Ministries            

Community of Holy Shepherd helping those in need with transportation, meals & visitation.


Faith Chest Ministry   

A Faith Chest serves as a visual reminder of one’s baptismal journey. Faith Chests are given to

baptismal candidates at their baptism with many items included: A quilt, baptismal cloth, candle and holder, and scrapbook. All items, including the faith chest and the cross on top, have been lovingly and faithfully built, sewn, carved and constructed by the family of Holy Shepherd.


Funeral Luncheon Ministry               

Serving faithfully, those who are grieving a loved one. Lunches and snacks are offered.


Prayer Chain Ministry

Caring for the community and those in need and praying for them.


Prayer Shawl Ministry      

Share knitting and crocheting, prayers, love, and hope. Instructions available.

Meeting time:  3rd Monday of each month, 7:00pm, Narthex


Busy Bees            

Sew and Quilt for Mission projects

Meeting time:  2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 9:00am, Church basement


WNL Cook Team                

Prepare meals for Wednesday Night Life

Wednesdays, 4:30pm, Church kitchen  

September – May


Holy Hearts & Hands – (H3)

This ministry concentrates on physically helping those who need an extra hand to accomplish a task or find themselves no longer able to do repairs, yard work etc. at their homes or those who have lived through a natural disaster and need help to put their world back in order.


Being & Caring Groups

Photography Group        

Times & Dates TBA



Play bridge and enjoy fellowship.

Meeting time:  1st & 3rd Sunday, 5:00pm


Neighborhood Shepherds        

Making connections within our neighborhoods & helping those in need with transportation, meals & visitation.


TNT’s – Twenties & Thirties        

Fellowship & Social Activities – Times & Dates TBA


Families with Younger children                 

Fellowship & discussion concerning parenting issues; Play dates – Times & dates TBA


M.A.S.H. Group

Middle Age Social Happenings     

Fellowship & Social Gatherings – Time & Date TBD


Prime Timers – 55 Years and older          

Caring for one another and participating in the faith community and service projects


Learning & Caring Groups

Book Club            

Read thought-provoking books and enjoy interesting discussion.

Meeting time:  3rd Tuesday, 7:00pm, Fellowship Hall


Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast     

Read the Bible and share God’s word while reaching out to each other.

Meeting time:  Saturdays, 8:00am, Fellowship Hall



Women’s Morning Bible Study     

Study the monthly Bible lesson in the Lutheran Women’s Magazine.

Meeting time:  3rd Tuesday, 9:30am



Women’s Early Afternoon Bible Study   

Study lessons from the Bible and life applications.

Meeting Time:  1st & 3rd Mondays, 1:00pm, Fellowship Hall



Writing Group      

Learn how to put our stories into writing.

Meeting Time:  First Thursday of every month, 1:00pm, Church Library